afyonIt is our pleasure to invite you to the 5th Erasmus International Week organized by Afyon Kocatepe University, which will take place between 1 and 5 of May 2017, under the Erasmus+ Exchange programme for both Teaching Staff and Staff Training mobilities.

First of all, we are glad to have Erasmus+ Agreement with each of your university for nearly ten years. Since 2005, we send and accept many students and academic staff from various universities. So, we want to celebrate and thank to all of you with hosting you in our event. We would be happy to welcome colleagues from all departments and other associated fields of work. Both the host organization and the event participants will give a presentation about their institutions, or present ideas, concepts or works of their home institutions which will be analyzed and discussed in the framework of interactive workshops. Therefore, we would highly appreciate presentations from the participants. The language of the International Week is English.

Afyon Kocatepe University will offer the social program, lunches and gala dinner for the event participants. You will get great discount for accommodation from five stars Thermal Resort & SPA. Also, we are organizing a trip to Adrasan, Antalya in which we will both have a holiday and have a chance to see Antalya, a tourisim destination of Turkey. If you are interested in participating in this event please send me by email the Application Form. The deadline for applying is 1 of April 2017. You will get your invitation letter by 15th of April 2017.

Attached please find a preliminary program of this event.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at or

Application Form

Draft Programme