Dear Academic Workers, Dear PhD students...
Dear Academic Workers, Dear PhD students.
You are invited to the virtual 14th International Scientific Conference for PhD students of EU countries (October 26-28, 2020, vol. VII., issue II.).
Conference will run online. Thus, you are invited to submit your paper at Virtual Conference. All submitted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Details of CER 2020 – 14th International Scientific Conference for PhD students of EU countries
Venue: conference online system (by SCIEMCEE)
Deadline for conference registration: October 19, 2020
Date: October 26-28, 2020
Conference Fee: EUR 89
Proceedings: Reviewed proceedings with ISBN (by Sciemcee Publishing, London)
Last Volume:
To learn more about preparing and submitting your conference proposal, including guidelines, deadlines, and „how-to” information, go to Paper Instructions, Template page. To learn more about the conference, including speakers, session formats, venue, registration, and the like, stay in the website and use the navigation bar on the left to access desired information.
Do not hesitate to contact our conference secretary also
Best Regards,
CER Scientific Committee Members
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