To już koniec praktyki Emina, studenta z Eskisehir Osmangazi University z Turcji, który spędził u nas 2 miesiące na praktykach w biurze programu Erasmus+, jak i w Dziale Informacji i Marketingu. Bardzo się cieszymy, że mogliśmy gościć tak ambitnego i ciężko pracującego praktykanta, a poniżej kilka słów od niego:
I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to do an internship at Powislanski University, where very friendly and smiling people work, and in Gdansk, one of the most beautiful cities in Poland. During my internship, I gained experiences that would be of great benefit to me in business life and I had the opportunity to meet many people from different cultures. It was a great chance for me to have done my internship in Poland, I had many opportunities to participate in student activities and socialize, and to meet foreign students as well as improve my foreign language skills.
Emin, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turcja
Wyjazd został sfinansowany z programu Erasmus+