On behalf of Rector, International Office and whole academic communicty of Powiślański University, we would like to invite you to participate in Erasmus+ Days’24, which aims at promoting Erasmus+ programme through shared experience of past participants. Our event will also be a great chance to get to know our international partners. 

The event in the online formula will be held on October 13th – 14th  on the MS Teams platform.

Do not wait – register for the event to receive the meeting link! 

Register: https://forms.office.com/e/XKqBzpxkRf

As every year, the event will provide an opportunity to learn about the current regulations on Erasmus+ mobilities of the PSW academic community, the offer of Partner Universities and exchange experiences related to the Erasmus+ program.

Are you interested in sharing your experience?

Inform us by email till 10th of August -> international@powislanska.edu.pl

Detailed programme of the event will be published soon.

All sessions will be held in English.

Hope to see you at Erasmus+ Days!


Please see below links to the MS Teams channel for Erasmus+ Days:

13th of October – LINK ⬅
14th of October – LINK ⬅