Relacja z Ist International Teaching Week / Report from Ist International Teaching Week

W dniach 23-27 października Powiślańska Szkoła Wyższa gościła I International Teaching Week – wydarzenie, które zgromadziło przedstawicieli 10 partnerskich uczelni. Tydzień obfitował w różnorodne aktywności, mające na celu promowanie międzynarodowej współpracy, wymiany doświadczeń oraz rozwoju edukacji.
Wszystko rozpoczęło się od oficjalnej ceremonii powitalnej, podczas której uczestnicy poznali misję PSW i przedstawili swoje instytucje. Atmosfera wzajemnego szacunku i otwartości sprzyjała nawiązywaniu nowych relacji. Dla podkreślenia międzykulturowego wymiaru spotkania, zorganizowano warsztaty językowe, podczas których uczestnicy uczyli się podstawowych zwrotów w języku polskim. Warsztaty wywołały ciekawe dyskusje o różnorodności językowej i jej wpływie na edukację międzynarodową.
W ramach programu uczestnicy odwiedzili historyczne miejsca w Gdańsku, takie jak Stare Miasto, oraz wybrali się na wycieczkę do zamku w Malborku, największego gotyckiego zamku na świecie wpisanego na listę UNESCO. Te doświadczenia pozwoliły nie tylko odkryć bogatą historię i dziedzictwo Polski, ale także wymienić się refleksjami na temat roli ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego w edukacji.
Jednym z najważniejszych punktów programu była wizyta w Centrum Symulacji Medycznej Powiślańskiego Uniwersytetu. Uczestnicy mieli okazję obserwować nowoczesne technologie symulacyjne i realistyczne scenariusze szkoleniowe, co wzbudziło ożywione dyskusje o roli praktycznych metod nauczania w edukacji medycznej.
Tydzień zwieńczyły VII Międzynarodowe Targi Szkolnictwa Wyższego, podczas których przedstawiciele partnerskich uczelni prezentowali swoje instytucje oraz innowacyjne programy, takie jak wirtualne wymiany czy podwójne dyplomy. Na zakończenie odbyła się uroczysta ceremonia wręczenia certyfikatów, będących symbolem uznania za aktywny udział oraz zaangażowanie uczestników.
From October 23rd to 27th, Powiślański University hosted the 1st International Teaching Week – an event that brought together representatives from 10 partner universities. The week was filled with diverse activities aimed at promoting international cooperation, experience sharing, and educational development.
The event began with an official welcome ceremony, where participants learned about Powiślański University’s mission and introduced their own institutions. The atmosphere of mutual respect and openness fostered the establishment of new connections. To highlight the cross-cultural aspect of the meeting, language workshops were organized, during which participants learned basic Polish phrases. These workshops sparked engaging discussions about linguistic diversity and its impact on international education.
As part of the programme, participants explored historical landmarks in Gdańsk, including the Old Town, and visited Malbork Castle, the world’s largest Gothic castle and a UNESCO World Heritage site. These experiences not only unveiled Poland’s rich history and heritage but also encouraged reflections on the role of cultural preservation in education.
A key highlight of the week was the visit to Powiślański University’s Medical Simulation Center. Participants observed cutting-edge simulation technologies and realistic training scenarios, which inspired lively discussions on the importance of practical teaching methods in medical education.
The week concluded with the 7th International Higher Education Fair, where representatives of partner universities showcased their institutions and innovative programmes such as virtual exchanges and dual degrees. A closing ceremony celebrated the participants’ contributions with certificates, symbolizing their active involvement and commitment throughout the event.

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of Her Magnificence Rector of Powiślański University, dr. Katarzyna Strzała-Osuch, prof. PSW, International Office and the whole academic community we have the honor to invite you to participate in the 1st International Teaching Week, which will be held on 23-27 October 2024.
Registration form is available here:
Our recommendations:
For any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at

Application procedure for Programme countries Participants


1) Please send us your registration form. Deadline for registration – 30th of August. 

2) By 5th of September, you will get personal information by e-mail, if you are accepted.

3) If you need any kind of document, confirming your participation in International Week, please send an information to Mr. Mateusz Grądzki at

4) During last day of the Event, the members of the International Week will receive the Certificates of Participation.

5) All participants, who are Erasmus+ scholarship holders, shall complete and submit the online EU Survey after the mobility abroad within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation to complete it.

6) The organizational cost is:

 80 EURO per participant

To be paid at the registration on the 1st day of IW.

Participants, who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required partially or fully reimburse the financial support received




1) Please send us your registration form. Deadline for registration – 30th of August. 

2) By 5th of September, you will get personal information by e-mail, if you are accepted.

3) The same time, the participants will receive via e-mail the sample of the Mobility Agreement (MA), that should be filled in, signed by the participant and the university representative (International Office representative or other supervisor) and sent as a scan, to

4) The MA will be signed by Coordinator and send back to the participant.

5) The participants will receive via e-mail a sample of the Grant Agreement (GA), to be signed by the participants and send back to

6) The GA will be signed by the Questor and send back to the participant.

7) The participants who submit: MA, GA, will receive the scholarship for the mobility period, according to the amount of the scholarship fixed by UE (100% of the scholarship in one instalment).

The scholarship will be transferred to the participant’s personal bank account by the end of April.

8) During last day of the event, the members of the Staff Week will receive the Certificates of Participation.

9) The participants shall complete and submit the online EU Survey, sent automatically by the Erasmus+ system,  after the mobility within 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invitation to complete it. The Erasmus+ questionnaire is sent by EU to the participant’ e-mail given by the participant in GA and MA.

10) The organizational cost is:

80 EURO per participant from Partner Universities,

To be paid at the registration on the 1st day of IW (to be paid by transfer, please contact

Participants, who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required partially or fully reimburse the financial support received

11) Participants, who would like to receive their grant in cash, please submit the request of payment to until 10th of April.

12) If you need any additional documents (for example invitation to be shown at Polish Consulate during applying for visa), please contact Ms. Paulina Osuch:

Participants, who fail to complete and submit the online EU Survey may be required partially or fully reimburse the financial support received

As the International Week date is rapidly approaching and you prepare for your visit, we understand that finding suitable accommodation and navigating transportation in a new city can be crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience. To assist you in this process, we have compiled some recommendations and tips to ensure your stay is comfortable and stress-free.

Accommodation Recommendations
From nearby hotels to furnished apartments, our recommendations prioritize factors such as proximity to campus, amenities, and affordability to provide you with a range of options to choose from.

Transportation Tips
Our transportation tips cover various aspects, including understanding the public transit system and accessing airport transfers. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and resources necessary to travel around the city efficiently and comfortably.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our International Office. We are here to support you throughout your stay and ensure that your experience at International Week is both productive and enjoyable. Once again, welcome to International Week at Powiślański University. We look forward to hosting you and facilitating meaningful interactions and collaborations during your time with us.