Study in Powislanski University!
Powislanski University has an honour to invite you to establish an International Double Diploma Programme based on fileds of sudy that are both spatially and substantially convergent to our universities. We would like to encourage you to start works that will lead to set up an International Double Diploma Programmes (IDDP) for the following fields and specializations:
1. Economics/Human Resources Management – language: English
2. Economics/Management Economics – language: English
3. Economics/ Finance, Accounting and Banking – language: English
4. Economics/Transport, Logistics and Shipping – language: English
International Double Diploma Programme is an initiative that allows students to get double diploma of two universities (Powislanski University and partner university) during one course of study. Currently, after build-up process, Powislanski University is entirely prepared to implement the International Double Diploma Programme. Benefits for our universities and in particular for our students are measurable both in context of professional experience and interdisciplinary skills. Furthermore, another benefit for your students is undoubtly the ability to get fully recognised european diploma.
To prepare completely adequate proposal and to set the International Double Diploma Programme between our universities we kindly ask you to send a letter expressing your willingness to start work and preparations with following attachments:
1. Permission from the relevant authority to conduct studies in the field of study chosen for the IDDP,
2. Study programme for mentioned fields of study,
3. List of courses for particular field of study (in English) with number of class hours and ECTS credits for each course.
Please feel free to contact us:
Powislanski University
International Office, e-mail: internationaloffice@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl
Science and Education Office: double_diploma@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl