Szanowni Państwo,

Klaster MedSilesia od kwietnia stał się członkiem stowarzyszenia CEBR – Council of European Bioregions.

CEBR daje nam szansę nawiązania wartościowych kontaktów, realizację wspólnych przedsięwzięć, ale też możliwości udziału w branżowych wydarzeniach, o których na bieżąco będziemy Państwa informować.

Zgodnie z informacją od organizatorów jest możliwość udziału online.

Życzę dobrego dnia, a poniżej treść otrzymanego zaproszenia:

Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research has the pleasure to invite you to attend a Workshop on Hyperthermic Oncology, a one-day event that will take place on the 9th of June in the Hotel Front Marítim in Barcelona, from 09:00 to 16:30 CEST

The workshop, organised by VHIR within the frame of the European project Safe-N-MedTechin which CEBR is a partner,  aims to encourage a better understanding and acceptance of different modalities of hyperthermia in oncological treatments.

During the different sessions, both clinical and regulatory aspects will be covered:

  • Morning session: relevant speakers will give us an overview of the current situation and the different modalities of hyperthermic oncology in Spain and Europe. Particularly, with a special focus on magnetic hyperthermia and pancreatic cancer in Spain.
  • Afternoon session: regulatory requirements for approval of nanotechnologies through the European Regulation and the Spanish regulatory authorities will be addressed. 

This is a great opportunity to listen an amazing panel of experts:

  • Jorge Contreras (Coordinator of Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology)
  • Teresa Macarulla (Oncologist and Clinical leader of the NoCanTher Clinical Investigation)
  • Giammaria Fiorentini (Consultant for Locoregional treatments and Hyperthermia, Rete Oncologica della Regione Toscana, Firenze, Italy)
  • Daniel Ortega (Coordinator of the national network of Nanotechnology in Translational Hyperthermia)
  • Álvaro Somoza (Research Professor at IMDEA NanoScience)
  • Julia Caro-Barri (Chief of the National Center of Certifications of Medical Devices in Spain)
  • David Tomé (Head of Clinical Operations and Medical writing at Mdx)
  • Luc Van Hove (Expert in Medical, Regulatory and Clinical Affairs)
  • Ibane Abasolo (Head of Drug Delivery and Targeting Group at VHIR)
  • Adriele Prina-Mello (LBCAM Director at Trinity Translational Medicine Institute)

Full programme attached!

To register for FREE, please access the following LINK * (online connection available upon request)

*Coffee breaks and lunch are included.