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International Scientific Conference of the International Business School “Digital transformation – business, education, science”, which will take place on the 20-21 March 2020

  Dear partners, IBS is organizing annual international conference. The Seventeenth International Scientific Conference of the International Business School “Digital transformation – business, education, science”, which will take place on the 20-21 March 2020 in Sofia, is an additional opportunity … Read More

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Bringing Western Balkans Closer to EU: Economic, Social, Political, Legal and Technological Considerations”

  INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Bringing Western Balkans Closer to EU: Economic, Social, Political, Legal and Technological Considerations 27-29 April 2020 / Prishtina, Kosovo TOPICS ‘Bringing Western Balkans Closer to EU: Economic, Social, Political, Legal and Technological Considerations’ – Scientific Committee invites … Read More

Międzynarodowe webinarium – projekt Convoi 77

  Międzynarodowe webinarium – projekt Convoi 77 Zapraszamy nauczycieli dowolnej specjalności, poszukujących partnera do projektu eTwinning, na międzynarodowe webinarium z udziałem eTwinnerów z Francji, Niemiec, Ukrainy i Polski. Językiem spotkanie będzie j. angielski. Tematyka spotkania będzie dotyczyła Konwoju 77 – … Read More

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